Thursday, October 20, 2011


Five things i learned at the planetarium are...
1. the cup of the big dipper points to the north star
2. the north star doesnt move
3. the sun isnt the brightest star
4. when u look into space your looking into the past
5. the constellations dont really look like what theyre called.

i didn't go to the cyclotron.

i enjoyed going to the international center and getting ice cream.
and i would go on a day it wasnt raining.(:

snow storms

Where:  (1)
-anywhere temps get below freezing.Mostly in Northeast U.S.A.

-dominant varieties of precipitation are formed at very low temps, ground temps have to be low enough for ice to form.
Impact: (2)
-schools close, cars cant drive safely, people get snowed it, stores and businesses close,most plants freeze and die.
-announced over the tv, radio, email, text messages and it is announced before, during and after the storm. Some technology used to predict snow storms are rain gauge (which shows how much rain or snow), barometer (which measures air pressure, it decreases when wet and increases when dry), thermometer(which tells temp).


Monday, October 3, 2011

Great Lakes in the Regional Context

On the river i learned it has a PH of 7.5. which is pretty good considering all the variables that go into and out of the river.  Our Q-value  is 10.23. And the total Q-value is about 83.3635. If more people recycled then less things would end up in the river that arent supposed to be there, therefor the water would be cleaner and maintain life easier.

1.The biggest lake in terms of volume is Lake Superior.
and the smallest is Lake Huron.
2.Lake Michigan is more urban and Lake Superior is more rural.
3.Lake Huron has the longest shoreline.
4. We can best manage the ecosystem by taking care of it, not throwing away your trash on the ground, and being respectful of life.
5. Two types of pollutants that affect our project would be
animal (or people) waste. We tend to just throw our things on the ground and bacteria and viruses find their way into the ecosystem. Another one would be detergents, pesticides and fertilizers, because they are toxic to our environment.

Preliminary Questions:
  • The water we use from our houses goes into the water supply.
  • Runoff water 
 is the water flow that occurs when soil is infiltrated to full capacity and excess water from rain, melt water, or other sources. It goes into the environment.
  • Yes, it does. Yes it should because it all needs to be filtered again. And it can all be harmful
  • When it enters from a localized point is point. non point comes from rain.
  • A watershed is something that controls water pollution.